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Google-faktoja An evening with Googles Marissa Mayer

4. The infamous “I feel lucky” is nearly never used. However, in trials it was found that removing it would somehow reduce the Google experience. Users wanted it kept. It was a comfort button.
8. They use the 20% / 5% rules. If at least 20% of people use a feature, then it will be included. At least 5% of people need to use a particular search preference before it will make it into the ‘Advanced Preferences’.

Kaiken maailman uutisia

Helsingin Sanomat: Pohjois-Korea huolissaan miesten hiuksista

Pohjois-Korea käy ankaraa kamppailua kaikkia sellaisia asioita vastaan, joita maassa luonnehditaan “epänormaaleiksi”. Nyt media julistaa tuomiotaan miesten pitkille hiuksille, jotka median mielestä edustavat korruptoitunutta kapitalistista elämäntyyliä.

National Information Standards Organization: Get Ready for the New ISBN!

As of January 1, 2007, all book and book-related products must carry 13-digit ISBNs. All 10-digit ISBNs in circulation will have the 3-digit EAN prefix “978” added (which currently represents the book industry). This 13-digit ISBN is already represented, and will be identical, to current EAN bar codes carrying ISBN with the “978” prefix.

Ja lopuksi päivän kuva:

Yahoo News/AP Photo: Valtaisa kivi vieri maantielle.

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