Installed trailer to a bike with hooded dropout
I bought a used Trixie dog trailer for my bike (Fuji Touring Disc) and when I started installing the hitch, it turned out to be more difficult than I expected. The bike has a "hooded dropout" which means that there's a protruding hood covering each end of the rear axle, protecting the bolt and the QR skewer. This caused a problem, because the hitch was too large to fit into the slot.
After banging my head to the wal... I mean doing thorough research on the Net, I found out that Burley makes hitch adapters which are specially shaped bolts that extend the rear axle outside the hooded slot. They don't have anything Burley-specific in them, so I got one for my bike.

The trailer hitch must be installed on the left side (non-drive side) of the bike which meant that I had to reverse the rear axle. Having the QR skewer on the drive side is not an issue per se (apparently some people think it should always be on the other side than the disc brake rotor) but the hooded dropout made it a little problematic. Because of that darned hood, there's only a couple of ways you can turn the skewer and that's backward or back and slightly upward. A mirrored QR skewer would be better, but I don't know if such exist.

Because of the weather outside I haven't been able to actually test the setup yet, but I hope next summer I can tour the world (or at least the town) with the dog.
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