Tulossa pian: Internet Explorer 6!
Onhan tämä vain vitsi, onhan? Nyt ei kyllä olla edes lähelläkään aprillipäivää. Robert Nyman kirjoittaa blogissaan, että Windows Mobilen uusi selain perustuu Internet Explorerin pahamaineiseen kuutosversioon:
The Windows Mobile Team blog writes in Internet Explorer Mobile 6 that they’re bringing a new web browser version to the Windows Mobile operating system. And guess what: major parts of it seems to be based on IE 6!
The idea is to offer a full desktop web browsing experience but on a cell phone. From the CNET article Inside Microsoft’s new mobile browser:
The biggest benefit will be the fact that it is the full IE 6 rendering engine, meaning that any page that renders properly in IE 6 on the PC should do just fine on Windows Mobile.
What? Like, what?!