Safari läpäisee Acid2-testin
Dave Hyatt, yksi Applen Safari-selaimen pääohjelmoijista, kertoo blogissaan, että Safari läpäisee nyt Acid2-testin, ensimmäisenä selaimena maailmassa.
The Web Standards Projectin (WaSP) kehittämässä Acid2-testissä testataan, kuinka hyvin selain tukee uusimpia CSS-tekniikoita ja kuinka se reagoi virheelliseen koodiin.
Here are the patches for all of the problems fixed in Safari to make the test pass.
- Fix parsing of the REL attribute on links.
- Disallow TABLE inside P in strict mode.
- Add support for min/max-width/height for positioned elements.
- Fix the rendering glitch that causes the reference page to paint garbage.
- Make sure that percentages that go to auto don’t mess up the self-collapsing block check.
- Implement SGML-style comment parsing for HTML in strict mode.
- Make sure empty tables honor CSS-specified height in strict mode.
- Fix baseline alignment within table cells to use the bottom of empty blocks. Fix floats to not grow if child floats overhang but the height of the outer float is auto.
- Make sure percentage min-height goes to 0 and not auto when the percentage does not apply.
- Implement fallback content for the object element and fix intrinsic sizing to work properly when images are specified in the object element.
- Disable antialiasing for the drawing of polygons.
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